

Rest in Peace our brother Stephen Paul


From the PMI board at

It is with much regret I announce the passing of Stephen Paul. Stephen succumbed to his disease on December 22nd. While Stephen passed peacefully, all of us are saddened by this loss. Despite Stephen’s persistence and determination to beat this disease, Stephen’s health had been failing for some time.

Over the last eighteen months, I had the pleasure of being involved with Stephen Paul Microphones. This was Stephen’s life long dream, and I am proud to have been a part of that. I know it was something he was extremely excited about doing, and was responsible for extending the time he had here with us. Stephen’s contributions and technical advances in microphone technology have established a new level to which all manufacturers aspire to.

What saddens me is he will never see the results and success of his creations. I made a promise to Stephen, and I will keep it. I will make sure his microphone marks a milestone in this industry upon its release.

I know Stephen is in a better place without pain. I know he wishes peace and happiness to all, and I know that he is looking down at us. God Bless Stephen…May you rest in Peace.

Further details will be released here exclusively at RO on our Forum, PMI Audio Group. So keep watch for updates regarding Stephen, and when a service will be announced.

Alan M. Hyatt
PMI Audio Group
toll free: 877-563-6335