2017 Schedule Of Presentations
January 3 |
February 7 |
March 7 |
April 4 |
Charles Sprinkle: "Watts: The problem with amplifier specifications?" |
Jerry Steckling: "Small Room Sound Control - Recent, Current, and Future." | Gussie Miller: "Life as an indie artist, producer, TV engineer, NASA contractor & product rep, or how I recorded my CD Forever Plan" |
Bo Astrup: From Valdemar Poulsen to Infinity and Beyond |
May 2 |
June 6 |
July 11 |
August 1 |
Robert Morin: Spinning records created by Sapphire Members over the years. | Jonathan Novick: new Avermetrics unit, Jeremy Krull: Hard solutions for a hard world - audio correction and augmentation in the modern age and Ellis Burman on early electrical recording in America | Ken Goerres: A review of the science behind cables, and listening tests to determine if differences are audible and Steve Donato: On the history of commercial analog synthesizers, with a focus on poly synths. | Dave Royer: Fun building audio gear out of junk. "Audio Equipment from Bartertown." |
September 5 |
October 3 |
November 7 |
December 5 |
Jonathan Novick on the trials and tribulations of outdoor music. | Betsy Gain: " Diegetic Music in the Movies: where are the mics?"
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Rolling Stones album "Their Satanic Majesties Request"
with Andy Morris as he shares his memoirs of working on the original album at The legendary Bell Sound studios in New York City. |
Show & Tell Month. |
an idea for your (required) presentaion?
Anxious to do another one? |